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NevarokML: MultiDiscrete Space

The NevarokML plugin provides a MultiDiscrete space implementation, representing a series of discrete action spaces with different numbers of actions in each.

MultiDiscrete Space Overview

The MultiDiscrete space in NevarokML is useful for representing game controllers or keyboards where each key can be represented as a discrete action space. It is parametrized by passing an array of positive integers specifying the number of actions for each discrete action space.

  • owner: Parameter represents the owner of the space object, usually the object creating the space.
  • vec: An array of positive integers specifying the number of actions for each discrete action space.


Here is the API for the MultiDiscrete space in NevarokML, along with the corresponding default parameter settings:

#include "Spaces/NevarokMLSpace.h"

UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "NevarokML|Space")
static UNevarokMLSpace* MultiDiscrete(UObject* owner, const TArray<int64>& vec)

To create a MultiDiscrete space, call the MultiDiscrete factory function and provide the required parameters. The function will return an instance of the UNevarokMLSpace class, representing the MultiDiscrete space.