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NevarokML: ANevarokMLTrainer API

The ANevarokMLTrainer class represents a trainer actor in NevarokML.


  • _state (ENevarokMLState): The state of the trainer.
  • _tickTimer (float): The timer for trainer ticks.
  • _trainerTickFunction (FNevarokMLTrainerTickFunction): The tick function for the trainer.
  • _procHandle (TUniquePtr<FProcHandle>): The process handle for the backend.
  • _autoKillBackend (bool): Whether to automatically kill the backend process.
  • _actSpace (UNevarokMLSpace*): The action space for the trainer.
  • _obsSpace (UNevarokMLSpace*): The observation space for the trainer.
  • _socketServer (UNevarokMLSocketServer*): The socket server for communication.
  • _address (FString): The address for the socket server.
  • _port (int32): The port for the socket server.
  • _maxEnvsCount (int): The maximum number of environments.
  • _tickInterval (float): The interval between ticks.
  • _envUpdatesPerTick (int32): The number of environment updates per tick.
  • _envs (TArray<ANevarokMLEnv*>): The array of environments.



Constructor for the ANevarokMLTrainer class.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
int GetEnvsCount() const;
Returns the number of environments.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::RunBackend();
Runs the backend process.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::KillBackend();
Kills the backend process.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::ValidateSpaces() const;
Validates the action and observation spaces.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::ValidateEnvs() const;
Validates the environments.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::ParseData(const TArray<uint8>& data, ENevarokMLData& dataType);
Parses the received data and determines the data type.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleReset(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject);
Handles the reset action received from the environment.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleReady(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject);
Handles the ready event received from the environment.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleComplete(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject);
Handles the complete event received from the environment.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleError(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject);
Handles the error event received from the environment.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleSave(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject) const;
Handles the save event received from the environment.


bool ANevarokMLTrainer::HandleAction(const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& jsonObject);
Handles the action received from the environment.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::ExecuteInit();
Executes the initialization process for the trainer.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::KillSocket();
Kills the socket server.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::ExecuteInvalid();
Executes the invalid state process for the trainer.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::ExecuteInitEnv(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Executes the initialization process for an environment.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::ExecuteStepEnv(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Executes the step process for an environment.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::ExecuteResetEnv(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Executes the reset process for an environment.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::TickTrainer(float deltaTime);
Called every frame to update the trainer.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
bool Learn(const UNevarokMLBaseAlgorithm* algorithm,
           int timesteps = 10000,
           int evalEps = 0,
           int saveFreq = 6000,
           const FFilePath loadModelPath = FFilePath(),
           const FName saveModelName = FName("Model"),
           const bool deterministic = true,
           const bool showTensorboard = false,
           const bool showReward = false,
           const bool showStepDebug = false,
           const bool showResetDebug = true);
Starts the learning process with the specified algorithm and parameters.

Method Parameters
  • algorithm (UNevarokMLBaseAlgorithm*): A pointer to the algorithm object that defines the learning algorithm to be used.
  • timesteps (int): The maximum number of timesteps to run the learning process. The default value is 10,000.
  • evalEps (int): The number of evaluation episodes to run during the learning process. The default value is 0, indicating no evaluation episodes.
  • saveFreq (int): The frequency, in timesteps, at which the model should be saved during the learning process. The default value is 6,000.
  • loadModelPath (FFilePath): The file path to a pre-trained model that should be loaded before starting the learning process. The default value is an empty file path, indicating no pre-trained model should be loaded.
  • saveModelName (FName): The name to use when saving the trained model. The default value is "Model".
  • deterministic (bool): A flag indicating whether to use deterministic behavior during the learning process. The default value is true.
  • showTensorboard (bool): A flag indicating whether to show Tensorboard visualizations during the learning process. The default value is false.
  • showReward (bool): A flag indicating whether to show reward comparison(before and after) information after the learning process is complete. The default value is false.
  • showStepDebug (bool): A flag indicating whether to show step debugging information during the learning process. The default value is false.
  • showResetDebug (bool): A flag indicating whether to show reset debugging information during the learning process. The default value is true.

Override Methods


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::BeginPlay() override;
Overrides the BeginPlay function.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::BeginDestroy() override;
Overrides the BeginDestroy function.


void ANevarokMLTrainer::RegisterActorTickFunctions(bool bRegister) override;
Overrides the RegisterActorTickFunctions function.

Event Methods

Event methods for various trainer states and actions. These methods can be overridden in Blueprints for custom implementation.

graph LR
  A[/OnConstruct/] --> OnStart
  A -->|Error| B((OnInvalid))
  OnStart -->|Error| B
  OnStart -->|Learn| C[/OnInit/]
  C --> E{OnReset}
  E --> D{OnStep}
  D -->|Error| B
  D -->|Not Done| D
  D -->|Done| E
  E --> Z((OnComplete))


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnConstruct(UNevarokMLSpace* actSpace, UNevarokMLSpace* obsSpace);

The OnConstruct event serves as a setup step before the training process begins, allowing to configure the action and observation spaces.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnStart();

The OnStart event is triggered after the construction of the trainer object is finished and the initialization is successful. It provides a suitable location to start the learning process by invoking the Learn function with the desired parameters.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnInvalid();

The OnInvalid event is triggered when there are errors or issues encountered during the construction or learning phases of the trainer object. It serves as a notification and allows you to handle and respond to these errors in a customized manner.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnInit(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);

The OnInit event is triggered when an environment at a specific index is successfully initialized. It provides an opportunity to perform any necessary setup or customization related to the initialized environment.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnStep(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);

The OnStep event is triggered when the trainer performs a step on the environment at a specific index. It provides an opportunity to respond to the environment's state after the step and perform any necessary actions or calculations.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnReset(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);

The OnReset event is triggered when the trainer resets the environment at a specific index. It provides an opportunity to handle any necessary actions or logic related to the reset of the environment.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category="NevarokML|Trainer")
void OnComplete();

The OnComplete event is triggered when the training process reaches its completion. It serves as a notification that the training has finished and provides an opportunity to perform any necessary cleanup or additional actions.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnConstruct_Implementation(UNevarokMLSpace* actSpace, UNevarokMLSpace* obsSpace);
Implementation of the OnConstruct event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnStart_Implementation();
Implementation of the OnStart event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnInvalid_Implementation();
Implementation of the OnInvalid event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnInit_Implementation(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Implementation of the OnInit event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnStep_Implementation(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Implementation of the OnStep event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnReset_Implementation(int index, ANevarokMLEnv* env);
Implementation of the OnReset event method.


virtual void ANevarokMLTrainer::OnComplete_Implementation();
Implementation of the OnComplete event method.