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NevarokML: UNevarokMLSampleUtils API

The UNevarokMLSampleUtils class provides utility functions for working with UNevarokMLSample objects.



UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "NevarokML|SampleUtils")
static bool SetBoxVector(UNevarokMLSample* sample, const FNevarokMLIndex2D x, const FNevarokMLIndex2D y, const FNevarokMLIndex2D z, const FVector vector, bool multicast);

Sets the values in the box stack of the given UNevarokMLSample object at the specified indices (x, y, z) with the provided vector. By default, the multicast parameter is set to false. However, if you set multicast to true, all of the corresponding stack values will be set to the provided vector.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "NevarokML|SampleUtils")
static bool SetContinuousVector(UNevarokMLSample* sample, const int x, const int y, const int z, const FVector vector, bool multicast);

Sets the values in the continuous stack of the given UNevarokMLSample object at the specified indices (x, y, z) with the provided vector. By default, the multicast parameter is set to false. However, if you set multicast to true, all of the corresponding stack values will be set to the provided vector.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "NevarokML|SampleUtils")
static bool GetBoxVector(UNevarokMLSample* sample, const FNevarokMLIndex2D& x, const FNevarokMLIndex2D& y, const FNevarokMLIndex2D& z, FVector& vector);

Retrieves the values from the box stack of the given UNevarokMLSample object at the specified indices (x, y, z) and stores them in the provided vector. Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "NevarokML|SampleUtils")
static bool GetContinuousVector(UNevarokMLSample* sample, int x, int y, int z, FVector& vector);

Retrieves the values from the continuous stack of the given UNevarokMLSample object at the specified indices (x, y, z) and stores them in the provided vector. Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.